Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Dean Crawford

Dean Crawford worked as a graphic designer before he left the industry to pursue his lifelong dream of writing full-time. An aviation and motorcycle enthusiast, he lives with his family in Surrey, England. His novels include Covenant, Immortal, and Apocalypse.

Recently I asked Crawford what he was reading.  His reply:
I've recently read a non-fiction book called Paranormality by Professor Richard Wiseman, which does a fabulous job of blowing away some of the greatest myths of humanity. Mediums, psychics, spoon benders and all manner of charlatans all get a hammering from the voice of common sense and scientific endeavour. Although my novels all have a slightly paranormal edge to them, I prefer to stay grounded in reality.

I also read Robopocalypse by Daniel H Wilson, a superb "what-if?" novel about machines taking on mankind in a war for control of our planet. Remarkable ideas and cautionary tales perfectly bound together in a way that always inspires me as a reader: the more reality there is in a novel, the more believable it becomes.

Currently I'm not reading anything - I'm up to my neck in edits for the latest Ethan Warner novel!
Visit Dean Crawford's website and blog.

Writers Read: Dean Crawford (October 2011).

My Book, The Movie: Covenant.

The Page 69 Test: Covenant.

The Page 69 Test: Immortal.

--Marshal Zeringue